Watery mouth E.coli
Watery mouth is a bacterial infection caused by the bacteria E. Coli which occurs in lambs. The E. coli bacteria have the ability to travel to the animal’s stomach upon entering the body and are usually dealt with, as in it denatures and destroys them, by the acidic nature of the adult sheep’s stomach. This means that they are less likely to adversely affect mature sheep. However, young lambs will not have developed this defence as their stomach contents have a pH of approximately 7 which is not acidic enough. Upon entering and then passing the stomach, the bacteria replicate and reproduce in the lamb’s intestines.
Young lambs between the ages of one and three days are therefore observed to be more susceptible to an infection of watery mouth disease.
The disease is transmitted via ingestion of the E. coli bacteria and if there is not an adequate intake of colostrum. The symptoms include salivating, dehydration and sometimes, though rarely, diarrhoea. The infected lamb may die within hours.
Symptoms and consequences
Watery mouth is usually transmitted to lambs once they’ve ingested a large amount of the E. coli bacteria which replicate in their intestines. Lambs can contract the disease following oral contact with contaminated bedding or even the wool of their own mothers infected with E. coli. Unclean udders also act as sources of infection for watery mouth to their offspring. If the quantity of colostrum taken in from lambs’ mothers is not sufficient then this can also result in a greater incidence of the disease as the necessary maternal antibodies are not passed on.
Transmission is more of a risk in areas where poor hygiene and wet or damp conditions are present. Concerning the spread of the disease, it is also especially rapid in areas of overcrowding where the bacteria have more opportunity to come into contact with susceptible lambs and sheep. However, it is not confined to only this type of intensive farming since it can be found in most areas since the bacteria is prevalent in the environment. It can also be seen in lambs outdoors.
Prevention using our Hygiene concept
Hygiene is critically important in the fight against watery mouth. The lambing environment including the individual lambing pens, pens where ewes lamb down and also the feeding equipment should be clean at all times. Resistance to antibiotics treating the disease is becoming more common. Many traditional methods of prevention are failing to stop watery mouth. Our "Hygiene concept" has proven successful in preventing watery mouth on farms all over Ireland. It has also been successful on farms where resistance to traditional antibiotics have ceased to work in curing and preventing the disease.
The Hygiene concept which uses both enzymes and probiotic bacteria that dominate the environment (sheds and pens) and helps control the level of bacteria in the sheds. Our probiotic spray Dominate liquid is used throughout the lambing season and the solution is easy and simple to use.
We also advise on programmes to prevent watery mouth on farm.
Bedding should be clean and soiled bedding removed. Lambs should be monitored so that they ingest large enough quantities of colostrum in the first six hours of life to provide them with protection.
Iomlán Pre-breeding drench
IOMLÁN Pre-breeding Drench is a complex blend of chelated trace elements, vitamin and amino acids, specifically formulated to meet the requirements of ewes and rams pre-breeding. It is formulated to provide ewes and rams with the optimum balance of micro-nutrients to help balance nutritional deficiencies.
Iomlán All in 1 buckets
IOMLÁN All in 1 buckets are formulated for both ewe and lamb. Providing them with essential trace elements and plant extracts that work and help to prevent common on farm disease problems e.g. scald, foot rot, orf etc. They also provide ewes and lambs with essential trace elements & vitamins to help improve growth rates and thrive through correction of deficiencies. IOMLÁN All in 1 buckets are very effective in both hill and lowland flocks.
Iomlán Lamb
IOMLÁN Lamb Drench is a complex blend of chelated trace elements, vitamin and amino acids, specifically formulated to meet the requirements of growing/finishing lambs. It is formulated to provide lambs with the optimum balance of micro-nutrients to help balance nutritional deficiencies.
Provita Response lamb
Iomlán Pre-lambing drench
IOMLÁN Pre-Lambing drench is a complex suspension of chelated trace elements, vitamin and amino acid formulated to meet the specific requirements of the sheep flock, maintaining flock health, fertility and productivity. IOMLÁN Pre-Lambing drench, is primarily administered to in lamb ewes 4-6 weeks pre-lambing
IOMLÁN Sheep Capsules
IOMLÁN Sheep capsules is a complex suspension of chelated trace elements, vitamin and amino acid formulated to meet the specific requirements of the sheep flock, maintaining flock health, fertility and productivity.IOMLÁN Sheep capsules, are administered to breeding ewes and rams pre-breeding, ewes pre-lambing and hogget ewes and rams.
Provita Energy Plus
Provita Energy Plus is a nutritional supplement providing an instantly available energy source to cows with ketosis and to ewes with twin lamb disease. It contains energy sources that can be rapidly converted to glucose in the liver, supplying high levels of blood sugar without the harmful over production of Ketone bodies.